23 de setembro de 2012

mother's love

I dont know if I tell u guys about the classes that I'm doing right now, but guess what??? I got the tutor!!! her name is Barbara she is amazing lady and I definitely love her.

Every once week she is teaching me english and I also have every monday night intermediate classes and wednesday conversation classes at the library for free I dont need to pay anything. Isn't cool??Barbara every week ask me to write an essay as a homework and last week she asked me to write 5 reasons why Do I love my mother? and here it is my an essay:

My mother is one of the people that I love the most in the world and she is the best mother ever. I wish I could repay her for all the sacrificies she did to me because I had a difficult childhood, but we survived together. I love her with all my heart. No one will love me as she does.
When I was 9 years ol my mother adopted me and everyone said:
"What hell are you doing? Are u crazy? Are u going to adopt an old child? Aren't you a little old for that? You supposed to adopt a newborn babyit would be easier". however my mother said:
"I feel as if she is child birth and I love her at the first time I saw her and yes EVERYONE I will adopt her and she will be my daughter now".
For a long time I only called her by her name, but one magic day I said: "hey, Mom"! and she cried and I thought I said something wrong, but she love it!
My birth single mother wasn't nice to me. she was a violent person and she spanked me when she was angry, mad, drunk, or took drugs I guess so. I definitely dont like my birth mother at all.
One day she spanked me and I ran away and I found a neighbor her name is Valci she is my adopt mother's sister and she become my aunt. I was so scared the day and she asked me if I was ok and I said to her everything about my life I told her about my hate for my birth mother and she helped out.
the justice department decided to put me in the orphanage when I was 6 years old I absolutely didnt like it, but better than stay with my birth mother. Some family adopted, but doesnt work out well, but one special day my adopted mother went the orphanage and saw me and we loved each other and yeah I'm adopted child and of course it wasn't easy for both of us and I have felt differently at different times of my life. I always kew I had another family, I always knew I was different and I struggled with this more or less depending on where I was in life. I also have been jeaulous of my brother even though I know he is irresponsible, immature and always buttering my mother up and she lets him do everything he wants. He is mama's boy he still live in with my mother and she always taking care him and his kids while Im here in USA taking care myself.
So, generally I have had a nice life, a lovely family even knowing my step father isn't a good step father or husband, I have had a great experience out the country, but even with that I wouln't wish the adopted experience for anyone because is wasn't easy at all to give a child up.

Well, this is my an essay and it is a true story of my life! I'm proud of being who I'm!

8 de setembro de 2012

the new youk botanical garden Monet

Oie, Gente!!
Estou aki hj p/ dizer que visitei o botanical Garden in Bronx, NY.

Sensacinal!! Simplismente amei!! o Jardim e lindo, muitas flores e muito verde. Quem vinher p/ NY, visite pork vale muito a pena!!

Fui com minha amiga Alessadra (a Paulista). Na real, fui p/ NY pork era semana do meu niver e quis comemorara indo no Electric Zoo Festival que foi maneirissimo e da um role no Garden minha amigona. 

Eu simplismente tive um otimo final de semana em NY com minha amigona. Pena que passo rapido, por mim se tivesse mais money e time ficaria por la! E isso! Aki vai algumas fotinhos!

aki esta i site p/ quem quizer da uma olhada!  http://www.nybg.org/                   

6 de setembro de 2012

Electric Zoo Festival

Last sunday 09/02/2012 I went to Electric Zoo Festival in NYC and the only word I can say about the festival it is: I love so much!!!!!

It was the best festival that I went... Amazing!!!!! awesome!!!!! definitaly I had a such wonderful day with my friend Alessandra from SP (a paulista).

Many beautiful, crazy and weird people! Everybody using style and nice clothes with a big eyelashes, crazy make up, nice songs with great beats with the best DJ all over the world!

So, I just love it!!!